
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Preserving Your Power
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Have you ever thought back to a moment in your life and thought, 'I gave away my power'...and it put a pit in your stomach? In other words, you let someone else take the so-called wheel? Maybe it was long, long ago... or even just yesterday. We all have moments - big and small - where we feel defeated, powerless, or completely out of control. What can we do, or what mindset can we maintain, to manage our relationships and preserve our power? How can we make sure we're being true to ourselves in our businesses and personal lives? How do we stand up for ourselves and set reasonable boundaries everyone can feel good about? Melissa and Amanda discuss what it means to honor who you are while still being kind to everyone in your life - even if it means taking inventory of the people who surround you.
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
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Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
Embracing Your Productivity Style
Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
Productivity? Yeah. It's a thing. Whether you're running a business, a household, or both - life is a full-time job! We've gotta eat, work, take care of our errands, manage our health, balance our checkbook, remember Mom's Birthday! And oh yeah, take a shower every once in awhile. And that's all before breakfast! How in the world can we fit it all in? It is certainly a process. Amanda and Melissa discuss their unique productivity styles to inspire listeners to uncover what best works for them. Are you a pen and paper kind of person? Or do you prefer apps and spreadsheets? Either way, this episode will get you thinking about the benefits of both so you can embrace your own productivity style!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl

Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Talking to Our Younger Selves
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
If you could go back in time, what would you say to your younger self? What advice might you give to the younger you? Would a conversation include a warning to proceed with caution or encouragement to go for it full-steam ahead? Would you tell yourself not to worry so much? Or to be more open-minded as your journey unfolds? In this episode, Melissa and Amanda hop into their invisible time machines to visit their younger selves and share personal stories that have served them well over the years. The beauty of this concept is that, at any given moment, we can have this internal conversation and remind ourselves how to move into the future - with an open heart and an open mind.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Acts of Kindness with Michele Morgan-Devore
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
When was the last time you paid it forward? Or maybe there was a time in your life you needed help and someone changed your life. Either way, there are so many ways to show up for others. You can donate your time, your talent, items you no longer need... and these are just a few of the ways. This episode is all about serving others in need and how a very special Las Vegas Lady, Michele Morgan-Devore, built her business, Dinosaurs & Roses, around showing up for others and treating them with dignity and grace. There are times in life we want to help others and just don't know how to best be of service. Amanda, Melissa and Michele have a great conversation surrounding 'acts of kindness' that will inspire you to give back or maybe even create your own business to better serve those in need in your community.
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl

Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Womanpreneur Wellness
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Ever buy a gym membership and then never use it? Well, there was the *one* time you went and did your best to look like you knew what you were doing. Yeah. In this episode, we're talking all things Health and Wellness. We expect a lot from our bodies, so it's important to take care of them! Amanda and Melissa discuss finding what works for you - from taking daily walks to Pilates to celery juice, anyone? And does breakfast really matter THAT much? Vitamins, sunscreen, and water - oh my! Tune in for some helpful thoughts on how to get started taking better care of yourself - even if you feel like the least athletic person in the room.
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Give Less Hoots with Brent Mukai
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
We're so excited to introduce our First Manpreneur Guest Ever! Meet Brent Mukai - Voice Actor, Improv Specialist, Podcast Host and Producer. This guy knows how to get to the heart of funny. And did we mention he's a Kung Fu master? Sometimes we can care too much. We take ourselves and our goals a little too seriously. Brent shares strategies to help us let go of our so-called mistakes, figure out what truly makes us happy, and how to find the fun in our journey. Stop giving so many hoots! He's one wise owl, and you're gonna love what he has to say!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Follow Brent:
The Brent Mukai Podcast
Instagram @brentmukai
Twitter @brentmukai
Facebook @brentmukai
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Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl

Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Courage with "The Zen Speaker" Amy Ayoub
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
How do you define courage? Are you brave enough to speak from your heart? Special guest Amy Ayoub - The Zen Speaker - uses her voice as a champion for the greater good by advocating and supporting neglected children and victims of sex trafficking. In February 2013, she testified before the Nevada State Assembly and Senate, using her personal survivor story in support of Assembly Bill 67, which increased penalties for those convicted of sex trafficking. This episode is all about becoming a better listener, exploring authenticity, learning how to be there for YOURSELF, and getting to the heart of your personal stories - finding the courage to speak YOUR truth.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
For more about Amy Ayoub: The Zen Speaker
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Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl

Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
The Art of Having Fun!
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Are you taking yourself too seriously? When was the last time you laughed so hard your abs burned? Sometimes the daily grind of adult life totally zaps us! And you know what? We do our best when we feel our best. When was the last time you spot-checked how much fun you’re having? Or when was the last time you added ‘have fun’ to your must-do list? Tap into your kid-like ways and bake some cupcakes with sprinkles, have a water balloon fight, or spend an hour reading 'dad jokes’ and just laugh out loud! When you’ve got a smile on your face, everything else in your life will benefit. Fun experts Melissa and Amanda remind you how to cut loose - in their most hilarious episode yet!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Setting Boundaries
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
We live in a ‘now’ society. Almost everything we desire is available on demand. From fast food to Netflix to having anything we order delivered at our doorstep… right now! As business owners, how do we set boundaries with our most demanding clients? When do we switch off? Is there a way to exceed our clients' expectations while still honoring the other aspects of our lives? Amanda and Melissa dig into how to keep your clients satisfied while still maintaining your own happiness, when to just say no, and how to keep your sanity while running a business in an Instant Pot world!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl

Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Creating Your Own Path with Jaimee Newberry
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
There is so much to be learned by hearing other people’s stories. What happens when you trust an inspired thought and allow it to take shape? The pictures in our minds are often more powerful than we realize. Special guest Jaimee Newberry, co-founder of Picture This Clothing, tells us how a work of art created by her daughter led to a new business that allows people to "wear their imagination!" Hear about going viral and how being resourceful and ‘figuring things out’ as you go can turn a creative idea to an in-demand business overnight! Jaimee shares an honest, in-depth perspective of how her story began in the tech world, her ups and downs along the way, and the most helpful skills she acquired on her journey as her colorful success came into full view!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Jaimee:
Follow Picture This Clothing:
Website: https://picturethisclothing.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl