
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Healthy Relationships with Dr. Maria Keller
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Buckle up! Special guest Dr. Maria Keller keeps it real and takes us on an insightful ride into relationships with ourselves and others. Do you have a healthy relationship with yourself? What kinds of men are you attracting? Are you depressed or are your hormone levels just out of wack? Hear Dr. Keller's advice about everything from balancing your hormone levels, sex, not sleeping with THAT guy, and why! This episode is will inspire you to listen to your body and your intuition in a whole new way.
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Dr. Maria Keller: http://liveagelessly.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Getting Unstuck
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Feeling stuck? We’ve all been there. The trick is how to ‘un-stick yourself’ at any given moment, especially when you’re in a funk. Amanda and Melissa share a variety of supportive ways to step back and look at the bigger picture - changing your scenery, letting go of fear and self-sabotage, listening to your gut instincts, learning how to take more breaks when life feels like it’s closing in on you, and more. Limitations only exist in our minds, and this episode is a gentle reminder of just that.
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl

Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Strength with Captain Sasha Larkin
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Strength. Have you ever stopped everything to simply notice your personal strengths? We all have them, and often overlook how strong we really are - physically, mentally, and emotionally. Sometimes we forget to acknowledge our most prominent talents, skills and abilities. Identifying your strengths is a tool you can use to unlock your gifts and share your potential with the world! Special guest Captain Sasha Larkin of the Las Vegas Metro Police Department shares why discipline, yoga, and receiving thanks all work together in her life, and why being a mother, serving her community, and lifting others truly matters. We get to the heart of what it means to be strong.
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Releasing Judgment
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
We’ve all been there... Either catching ourselves judging a person or situation or finding ourselves on the receiving end - feeling judged. Does deciding what is good or bad come down to “the eye of the beholder?” How can using judgement be a good thing? Amanda and Melissa explore the different contexts of this word and how making snap judgements can have consequences in both business and life, and how releasing negative judgment altogether and staying unbiased is a winning mindset every time. Are you using your judgment for your greater good?
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!

Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Deferred Gratification
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
We live in a "now society." We can have a hot meal in precisely 1 minute if we own a microwave. We watch our shows and movies on demand. We want what we want - when we want it... which happens to be RIGHT NOW. But some things aren’t pressure cookable. Amanda and Melissa discuss deferred gratification and what it means to them. Why is sticking to a goal deadline not necessarily a good idea? Will the wait be worth it? What can you do today that will have a big payoff later - in business or your personal life? Big things, the things we really want, take time. Let’s take a deep breath together, look toward our future selves, remember what patience looks like, and tackle how to get you to your big picture goals.
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl

Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Working with Clients
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Without our clients, we don’t have much of a business, do we? Wish you had more clients? What can you do to attract quality clients and build meaningful, long-lasting business relationships? Amanda and Melissa talk about serving others, anticipating client needs, how to end associations that aren’t working - without burning bridges - and how some people just aren't the right fit! And that’s okay! Hear what works for these two Womanpreneurs, and see if it’s time to release a few clients who aren’t ideal for you to make room for new ones who are!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl

Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Finding Inspiration
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
What or who inspires YOU? Inspiration can be found all around you. An impactful quote, a story you’ve read, another person’s triumph, wins, losses, music, the sun, your cat, a newborn baby... anything/anyone/anywhere! Keeping an open mind and open heart, Melissa and Amanda share personal stories of where they find inspiration, and they also talk about how to hold onto 'that inspired feeling’ and stay that way! In need of an inspirational tune-up, so- to-speak? This episode will not let you down! We know you have the urge to feel deeply, live passionately and attract abundantly. It all begins with the spark of inspiration!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Inspirations mentioned in this episode:
Morleigh Steinberg
Jen Sincero
Shonda Rhimes

Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Mastering Your Craft
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
What have you mastered? They say it takes 10,000 to master a skill. We’d like to remind you that a journey of 10,000 hours begins with ... ummm, the first hour! Something like that! If you want to be exceptional at anything, you first have to begin. In order to grow and improve at anything, you have to continue to challenge yourself. In this episode we look at complacency and safety, and how - if you’re not growing - you’re getting stagnant! We also dig into creating good habits! Everything starts with getting started! We know that if you set your mind to it, you can master anything. Let’s look at the countless ways to get going!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl

Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
An organized life = peace. Productivity. Knowing where the heck your keys are. Food in your fridge that's ready to eat. Gas in your tank (literally and figuratively). Not to mention having a pretty good idea of when you should shower and put your real clothes on! If you have too much going on internally, along with disarray scattered all around you, you’re asking for chaos! Amanda and Melissa talk about simple solutions that work well with their demanding schedules - from food prep to home office organization to why Marie Kondo is changing lives by helping the world’s sock drawers look like a tidy place we’d like to hang out!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Mentioned in this episode: Marie Kondo

Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Confidence with Trisha Kirk
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
From where does one find confidence? What stories do you tell yourself? Are they uplifting - complete with high fives? Or does your inner dialogue need an overhaul? Special guest Trisha Kirk, Producer for the Raiders, tells us how she finds her confidence, what it’s like working with a whole lot of men, and how surprised she felt when she was told she was ‘intimidating!’ This powerful trio of gal pal talk and practical advice will leave your inner-critic silent! Don’t apologize for who you are. Embrace it!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Trisha: @fixitinprep
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo