
Thursday May 28, 2020
Introducing "Business For Self-Employed Creatives" with Aardvark Girl
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
It’s Amanda, aka “Aardvark Girl,” here to let you know about my new podcast, Business for Self-Employed Creatives.
If you’ve been listening to the Womanpreneur Podcast, you know I’m passionate about all things business, especially helping business owners and freelancers succeed… and have fun doing it. There’s nothing like the privilege of working for yourself – making your own rules, owning your time, and trusting your instincts to make the right decisions. You also know I have a “tough love” approach at times, and I’ll be honest – running a business is not always easy. It can feel overwhelming with all the things you have to do, but you CAN do it – you just have to be motivated and willing to do the work.
My tips will help you handle the “business” side of things so you can focus on your talent. You already have everything you need to succeed. I’m just here to guide you.
I know you’re busy running your business, so these episodes will be short and right to the point. I’ll share the common issues we face, along with the solutions that have worked for me and my clients.
I hope you’ll continue along with me on the next part of my journey, and something that’s WAY out of my comfort zone – podcasting alone. Who will sing to me? Who can I make faces at? And how much more obvious will my awkwardness be without having Melissa to help mask it? I guess we’ll find out!
So please find “Business for Self-Employed Creatives with Aardvark Girl” & subscribe on YouTube or your favorite podcast platform so you never miss an episode. If there’s a topic you want to hear about – email info@aardvarkgirl.com or DM me on social @aardvarkgirl. And please share with your other self-employed creative friends.
Thanks for joining me! New episodes start Monday, June 1st!
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/business-for-self-employed-creatives-with-aardvark-girl/id1512869925
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWPq11BNUlJdUFqfkXP-2pQ
Website: https://www.aardvarkgirl.com
Email: info@aardvarkgirl.com

Wednesday May 27, 2020
Define, Destroy, or Strengthen
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
"When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you." - Dr. Seuss
Whether we like it or not, everything in life has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Life is filled with so many exciting and interesting chapters, and hopefully we learn a little something from all of them!
Amanda McCune and Melissa Moats bring their podcasting chapter to a close... The dear friends, both independent business owners, have decided to head in new directions - with fresh focuses and different priorities.
Please tune in as Melissa and Amanda break down a quote by Dr. Seuss and apply it to the state of our world today, while also reminiscing about all they accomplished on their podcast journey together.
Your inspiring Womanpreneur co-hosts have shared from the start to always have the courage to begin the journeys that set your soul on fire, and when the moment strikes to finish one book and begin another, honor where your heart and instincts lead you and have no fear.
It's been our pleasure to share with all of you and serve you. Please join us for our final empowering episode.
We hope you'll continue with us on our new independent journeys, too!
Amanda / Aardvark Girl
Amanda is launching her own podcast, "Business for Self-Employed Creatives," so you can find her on her own YouTube channel and wherever you listen to podcasts.
Website: https://aardvarkgirl.com
IG: @aardvarkgirl
FB: Aardvark Girl
Twitter: @aardvarkgirl
Melissa / Lady Luck Voiceovers
Melissa will be busy with her voiceover work and The Voice Actors Studio
Website: https://www.ladyluckvoiceovers.com
IG: @melissamoatsvo
FB: Melissa Moats

Wednesday May 20, 2020
What's Holding You Back?
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Life is filled with distractions, side-steps, alternate routes, and roadblocks. The trick is knowing what to look out for so you can treat them more like speed bumps!
It's hard to be objective about your own life. Do you know what's in your way? Are you making excuses? Striving for perfectionism? Do you even know what makes you happy? Melissa and Amanda discuss the common themes so many of us experience that lead to getting in our own way!
Listen to a list of the most common life slowdowns during this episode of The Womanpreneur Podcast and see if you're a repeat offender of stopping before you even get started. Find out how to spot these seemingly harmless traps and patterns and how to crush them before they ever take hold of you.
Your favorite Dynamic Duo Womanpreneurs put their super-powered capes on and plan to save you from… yourself! Tune in for an insightful conversation that may help you get going so you can cross your personal finish line to success!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday May 13, 2020
The Little Things
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
It's been said the best things in life are free. But what if some of the best things in life aren't things at all? When COVID-19 took the world by storm, every aspect of our lives was affected. Our daily trips to the gym, casual dinners out with friends, frequenting our favorite local businesses. All of it just stopped. Normal as we once knew it drastically changed overnight.
Where do we look for solace? How can we keep our spirits up during a time of crisis? When everything outside is uncertain and amiss, the best place to turn is inward. Getting quiet and becoming present are two gifts you have within you, if you allow yourself to recognize them. And finding ways to appreciate the small things that bring you joy just might help you get through the tough times a little more easily.
Amanda and Melissa talk about the little things that are keeping them going - and smiling! The silliness of cats, going for daily walks, listening to the birds outside… maybe you have some of the same "little things" in common! Tune in for an uplifting episode of The Womanprenuer Podcast, and be reminded that you have so much. The best things in life... What could they be? You'll have to join us to see!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday May 06, 2020
Never Stop Learning
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Ever hear the phrase, "Knowledge is power?" Well, the more you learn the more capable you are and the more you can surprise yourself as you create your very best life. During a nationwide shutdown, many of us have found a little extra time. How are you using yours?
Tony Robbins says, "If you're not growing, you're dying." Yikes. Well, the opposite of that would be if you are growing, you're thriving! So that's exciting news! And it sounds right in line with the way your talented talking twosome, Womanpreneur Podcast hosts Amanda McCune and Melissa Moats like to be! Alive and full of thrive!
From hobbies to business and everything in between, how can you apply the gift of time to your life right now? What have you always wanted to explore? There's never been a better time to ponder, try and apply. Tune in for some inspiration!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Moral Fatigue
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Ever hear of moral fatigue? Well, it's a thing and it's happening right now! From the moment we wake up and take on our day, we are making decisions - mostly on autopilot. A large percentage of our daily tasks and routines are done with minimal thought, and are based more on behaviors and cues! But when your day-to-day as you've known it suddenly gets turned upside down, making even the simplest of decisions can feel overwhelming. And now our choices can have an impact on others, so we have to consider them extra carefully.
For example, grocery shopping has taken on a whole new meaning. What day of the week should you go? What time of day will there be fewer people out? What do you "really need?" Is it worth the trip? Mask or no mask? Should you wear gloves? Will there be any toilet paper? It used to be such a simple task but now it’s simply exhausting. We feel it, too!
Your morally magical M Squared hosts weigh in on this interesting topic and share creative ways to combat the overwhelm!
The Rolling Stone article: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/corona-exhausted-moral-fatigue-974311/
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Forced Adaptability
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Every day is filled with unique obstacles.Adaptability is a trait high on the "useful life skills" list! Adapting to new people, situations, surprises, and changes comes easily to some, but can be much more challenging for others.
Having the option to ease into adapting to something new can be far less stressful when you have more time to process your feelings and can ponder different approaches you can take. However, some things in life are simply outside of our control.
Womanpreneurs Melissa Moats and Amanda McCune discuss ways to adjust when you're forced to adapt. What are things you can do to take the sting out of blunt-force change? How can you shift your mindset to work with you? Who can you turn to so you don't feel alone?
Forced adaptability is on the minds of so many when reality as we all used to know it changed… overnight. Find comfort and support in our encouraging, optimistic conversation. We hope you'll tune in and join us, as we're all in this TOGETHER.
Note - We know the quality isn't what you're used to. We've been forced to adapt and find new ways to record when we can't be in the same place together. Please bear with us as we learn new software and find better solutions until we can go back to the studio!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Big Takeaways from Business Ownership w/ Kirissa Shipp
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Special guest and President of TVandRadioVoices.com, Kirissa Shipp, joins us for an introspective conversation surrounding “big takeaways” from being a business owner! From setting boundaries - personally and professionally - to understanding the perspective of someone who regularly hires creatives, Amanda, Melissa and Kirissa get real about how much time and dedication is required when you own and run your own business. Discipline? Yeah. That’s a must. Work ethic. That too. Free time? (Insert chuckle here.) It is possible, and we cover what it takes to create time for yourself while still building your biz! Kirissa weighs in about how she’s grown since she first became President of her company, and how she’s achieved more work/life balance. Tune in to find out how three busy ladies do it all - or at least fit mostly everything in - day by day!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Your Internal Dialogue
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Do you have conversations in your head, too? So you've just spent the last fifteen minutes playing out every possible scenario in your mind trying to anticipate an interview or replaying an argument you just had - thinking of way better and more colorful rebuttals. Maybe you're about to pitch a new client and you're inner dialogue goes south... What if they don't like your ideas, your shoes, your hair, or you remind them of an old, sweaty, nervous ex-girlfriend?! Or... a new phenomenon that’s getting a whole lotta attention - CRICKETS. Nothing. Zip. Zero. Are you the rare breed who doesn't have an inner dialogue at all? The thought of this blows your favorite Womanpreneur duo's minds! Yes, there are people in the world who aren't having conversations in their heads. And Amanda and Melissa are finding it difficult to wrap their own brains around it!
In this episode, we take a closer look at all that internal chatter. Is your inner cheerleader who you hear the loudest? Or is your inner critique wreaking havoc with too much negative noise? Or... NADA? Tune in for an episode that'll get your inner Chatty-Cathy talking up a storm!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
The Word Womanpreneur
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Woman. noun - an adult human female.
Entrepreneur. noun - a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.
The Womanpreneur Podcast. proper noun - Two human female business owners team up to empower others in business and in life, taking a greater than normal financial risk to share and serve their life experience with the masses all for the greater good - rather than just giving random free advice to our cats, each other, people at coffee shops, Pilates class attendees, music lovers at U2 concerts and the like. Yep. That sounds about right.
How do you feel about terms like “boss babe,” “fempreneur,” “lady boss,” etc.? Seems people love them or hate them. Find out what the word "Womanpreneur" means to your talkative twosome lady hosts! Some of their commentary just might surprise you! When branding your business - or naming your baby, your pet, your car, etc. - how do you know if the name you're choosing "fits?" Melissa and Amanda discuss the reasoning behind their podcast title, how they compromised throughout the creative process, and if they think the name serves them well or if they should go back to the drawing board altogether! Be ready for a candid, honest episode and hearing their different points of view on the topic! Melissa and Amanda ask YOU to weigh in on what Podcast name you believe fits them best! Don't miss it!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo