
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Knowing Your Limits
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Maximum energy output. Doing ALL the things. Thinking BIG... All while avoiding burnout. Sound familiar? Yep. Even the most motivated and accomplished people on the planet have a pause button. Or maybe it's a reset button?! No one can carry on forever without some downtime - and ya know what? It's 100% okay! It is in fact GOOD for you! Do you know your limits? When is enough enough? How do you know it's time to unplug, rest, and reboot? Have you ever stopped and asked your body what it needed? Melissa and Amanda discuss knowing your limits - in business and personal life, mentally and emotionally. Tune in to find out how to avoid getting sick, how to say no to anyone and be okay with it, and how to take a closer look at what you really need to feel your best.
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To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Overcoming Common Roadblocks
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Watch out... there's a roadblock ahead! We all face them. How do you overcome roadblocks in your personal or professional life? Do you proceed with caution? Look the other way? Or barrel right through them - full steam ahead? In this episode, Amanda and Melissa discuss the different ways they approach roadblocks and what works best for them. It isn't a matter of 'if' you'll confront something difficult... it's a matter of 'when.' Have the tools and mindset to be ready. Your favorite Womanpreneurs have you covered.
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To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Creating Opportunities
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Opportunities are all around us. Are your eyes wide open? Or are they shut? At this very moment, we are the sum total of all of the experiences we've ever had. That's a powerful thought! Our accomplishments, proud moments, that job or big client we landed, our families...brain-children included... were all opportunities that we created. If you want something, make it happen! Melissa and Amanda talk about the limitless potential living inside all of us and their inspirational conversation will undoubtedly inspire you to take action and create - in business and in life.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Goal-Setting for the New Year
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
There is something so exciting about a fresh start. And 2020 has such a ring to it! Ready to bust out your new day-planner? Have a list of goals you're ready to take on? Amanda and Melissa look at goal-setting in a practical, logical, and useful way. Learn how to set and accomplish SMART, achievable goals, both big and small, anytime you feel ready. The truth is a "New Year" can happen any waking moment you simply decide to think and do something new! Get motivated, focused, and don't forget your party hat! Fun and inspiration awaits in this first new episode of 2020!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Holiday Spirit
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
You aren't going to believe this... Amanda says Bah Humbug while Melissa wants to hang tinsel EVERYWHERE! How do you "do the holidays?" What does the holiday season mean to you? Melissa and Amanda share very different (as per usual) perspectives on how they Fa, la, la... or don't... in a very special Holiday Spirit episode! Ha ha! They do agree on one very important thing though - the true meaning of the holiday season. Listen in is as the Womanpreneur dream team reveal a variety of ways to feel festive, their own holiday traditions, how to help those in need, the best must-see holiday movies, and more! No matter how YOU do the holidays, tune in for some extra company and laughter as we bring 2019 to a close!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
As we bring 2019 to a close, have you considered the value in reflecting on all you've accomplished this year? Too often we miss the opportunity to look back at the things we've done (big and small), appreciate our most treasured moments of the year, or take a mental note of anything we need to resolve before diving into the new year! Amanda and Melissa take a look back at their year and reflect on their most magical moments, people who inspired them, and who they'd like to thank for their contributions. Before you set your sights toward the future, don't overlook the beauty of value of a year well spent. You did so much. Applaud yourself and take notice!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Taking Your Own Advice
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
We’re all expert advice givers at times, but do we always follow our own advice? We know we should eat right, exercise, get plenty of rest, DO ALL THINGS, stay away from people who drain us, etc..! But do we always walk the walk that we talk? Amanda and Melissa call themselves out on taking their own advice, and cover finding the middle ground between tough self-love and staying true to yourself. Life is indeed a wild ride…. with twists and turns and many surprises. Your favorite Womanpreneurs will keep it real, all with a sense of humor, in this uplifting episode.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl

Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
How to Bounce Back
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Have you ever felt stuck? Defeated? Like you’ve failed in some way? We’ve all been there at some time in our lives. How do you crawl out from beneath the rubble, dust yourself off, and press on? How do you shift from thinking "I can’t" to "I can?" Melissa and Amanda explore ways to bounce back after going through difficult times, and ways to shift your mentality to get back on course. Whether you’re going through something tough in your personal life or in business, your best self and best life awaits. Tune in for some light-hearted bounce-back brilliance.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl

Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
The Gratitude Attitude
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
We can't change the past, but we can learn from it. We can't predict the future, but we can look to it with wonder and hope in our hearts. The present is this moment, and it truly is a gift. Learning how to exercise gratitude will help keep you in the 'now.' What have you given thanks for in your life today? Did you wake up and feel thankful for another day? Did you greet your pet today and feel gratitude in your heart for its unconditional love? Expressing gratitude is infectious, and the more you do it, the more you realize you have. When you're in an attitude of gratitude, you're focusing on how full your life is right now, and how abundant you really are. Melissa and Amanda talk about what they're grateful for and the many ways to incorporate more daily gratitude into life. What we think about we bring about. Let's focus on all the good stuff!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl

Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
The People Around Us
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Our vibe has so much to do with our tribe. With whom do you spend the most time? Are you an eternal optimist or do you often find yourself feeling depleted and in a not-so-great mood? Take a look around. Make a mental note of the mindsets of the people who surround you. Are they lifting you up or dragging you down? They should be cheering you on, not holding you back. Maybe you're usually playing the role of therapist and are left feeling drained. Maybe it's been a very long time since someone has asked how YOU are feeling, or if you need to talk instead of listen. Relationships are best for everyone when they are balanced with a healthy amount of sharing. Amanda and Melissa chat about ways to welcome more positivity into our lives, and how to gracefully step away from those who no longer serve us. You are worth it.
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl