
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
You & Your Ideas Matter
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Have you ever talked yourself out of doing something because "someone else has already done it?" Or ever started doing something you were super passionate about only to quit shortly after because someone else is totally doing it "way better than you ever could?" Our internal narratives sure have a way with us, don't they? There is no one else in the world who can do anything quite like you can. We all speak, share, love, and live differently. Melissa and Amanda will get you back on track and downright fired up and realizing that YOU Matter. Your perspective is unlike anyone else. Your vision is yours alone. The way you create and share your gifts with the world is 100% unique to you. Tune in for an inspiring conversation between two friends and podcast hosts who want you to see your greatness!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
LIVE EPISODE: Coping with Quarantine
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
What do we do when we're quarantined? We go live! On 03.20.20, we got some of our fans together to discuss what's been going on as a result of the COVID-19 orders - how our businesses have been affected, what we've been doing to adapt and plan, how we're coping mentally, and how we're able to keep our positive attitudes intact.
We'd love to hear how you're doing, what you're doing, and any tips you have for staying sane amidst the chaos.
Please note, the sound quality isn't perfect, as we were experimenting with new software and recording remotely. Please bear with us as we adapt to these forced changes!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Building a Business Support Network
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Life's logistics can get demanding! Some of us struggle with asking for help, whether in our personal or business lives. This episode of The Womanpreneur Podcast centers around utilizing our support network so we can focus on the things we do best. How many talented, capable people do you have in your corner? Look around - they're there. You may be overlooking the resources around you. Or maybe you think you can't afford it, when actually the time you save could actually help you earn more! Don't like bookkeeping/admin work? Someone else loves doing it - and they most likely could take care it twice as fast as you because it's their sweet spot! Web design, social media upkeep, copywriting, photography, spreadsheets, pie charts, etc… Yep. Someone out there is awesome at it, and would love to provide their services to you. Amanda and Melissa talk outsourcing and how you - yes, YOU - can do it, too. And there might even be an app for what you need! Tune in for some great insight, so you can get more time back in your day to do the things you love.
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Maximize Your Day - Working from Home
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Working from home sounds so nice, doesn't it? Well, it can be, but focusing on your business amidst the demands and distractions of your family, dishes, laundry and other people in your life not understanding what it is you "do." Doesn't working from home mean you watch tv all day? ALL. THE. THINGS. How are we supposed to stay on track and productive while working from home? Amanda and Melissa weigh in about structure! From creating a designated workspace to having a set begin and end time to your work day - these ladies mean business! Get ready for the real scoop on how to set yourself up for success when working from home so you can enjoy the process and still things done!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Morning Routines
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
So, what's all the hype about morning routines, anyway? Does it really matter THAT much how or when you start your day? Well, the actual time you wake up is arguable, but how you utilize your morning is everything! Hear how morning bird Amanda McCune and morning monster Melissa Moats both begin their days, and take note of what success-driven people do to kick off every day as their best! Melissa and Amanda will offer a variety of helpful tips to maximize your morning to super-charge your day, whether you're a "morning person" or not!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
50 Fun Facts About the Womanpreneurs
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
The Womanpreneur Podcast rolls out its 50th episode! We know it's hard to believe, but time really does fly when you're having fun! Amanda and Melissa walk down memory lane together as they share favorite memories from their past podcast episodes and more about their Yin-Yang friendship! Somehow they always balance each other out! Interested to hear an unexpected list of random facts about Amanda and Melissa? Well, this episode will definitely keep you guessing. Find out who Melissa's teen crush is! How many concerts has Amanda attended... so far? Melissa sings - again! Ever wonder where Amanda's high school self used to nap? Episode 50 is a celebration of friendship and staying true to ourselves. Be ready for a good belly-laugh and look forward to getting better acquainted with your favorite hosts! Cheers to the next 50! Thanks for tuning in!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Super Skills for Business
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Which skills are needed most to thrive in today's fast-paced, always changing climate? Do you possess the sought-after super skills of today? Melissa and Amanda dig deep as they uncover some surprising skills that will greatly improve your odds at being in high demand! If you're trying to get by without them, you could fall flat! And we don't want that! Some of these skills never go out of style! Tune in to find out if your skills are up to date or if they could use a facelift! Whether you're an entrepreneur, a parent, a student, working for someone else, or ummm… simply breathing... up-level your "game of life" with your favorite podcast Odd Couple!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Results-Driven Behavior
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Do your habits and daily routines serve you well? Let's keep it real. Are you doing everything you can to get the results you think about, talk about, or doodle in your journal? Melissa and Amanda talk about being a doer, and how to leave the dreamers in the dust. It all comes down to results-driven behavior. This episode will surely get you thinking about your day-to-day way - where you're rockin' it and where you there is room for improvement. Let’s take a closer look at ways to change some old habits, add in a few upgraded behaviors, and get the results we've been dreaming about!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Personal Branding
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
What is exactly is personal branding? And is it really that important? Ummm, yeah. It sure is. In a world of entrepreneurs, freelancers, creatives, inventors, educators, influencers and the like - anyone hoping to get noticed, develop positive relationships with their audience, and stay top of mind needs to have a stellar personal brand. Amanda and Melissa chat branding – how they came up with and crafted their own personal brands, and everything you should consider when shaping yours. Making your brand statement has many layers, and we peel them back one by one in this hot topic episode!
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Resilience with Alicia Mattera
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
During this episode, Womanpreneurs Alicia Materra, Amanda McCune and Melissa Moats chat it up on the subject of resilience! It takes a lot of courage, preparation and can-do spirit to open and launch a business. It's such an outpouring of time and energy! So, what happens if you set out to conquer the world then suddenly have a change of heart? We are allowed to change our minds! Alicia shares her womanpreneurial journey - from opening her first hair salon from the ground up, to selling her business when it no longer felt right, to opening a baby clothing boutique... to going back to school at age forty to follow her deepest passion, serving mothers, families and babies! Did we mention Alicia made her tough business decisions all while her newborn baby arrived early at 24 weeks weighing in at 1 pound? Yeah. Resilience. If you look closely the next time you open your dictionary, you just might find Alicia's name after its definition. Find out how this busy Mom of four does it all. Because it can, in fact, be done!
Follow Alicia:
Las Vegas Baby Co
Instagram @its_alicia11
Keep the conversation going by joining our Facebook Group!
To watch the video version of this episode, please visit thewomanpreneurpodcast.com or our YouTube channel.
Please leave us a review and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Questions and comments can also be emailed to womanpreneurpodcast@gmail.com
Follow Amanda: @aardvarkgirl
Follow Melissa: @melissamoatsvo